Deco team Designed / created / decorated events since 2003. In many large festivals that smaller projects. Biolive – Timegate – Zoom Festival – Summer never end – Engadin Festival – Mystica, Rock oz Arene d’avenches, …
In different countries: Switzerland, Germany, France, Portugal, …
An experienced team and decorations as well as pro visual and technical quality, custom made for multiple events.
UV deco or not with LED installation built or not. We have a great selection.
IV-3D works closely with Impact-Vision for the technical aspect (Video-Light-Laser-FX). For a visual rendering more creative.
For large projects we make technical visualizations and 3D! But the pictures speak louder than words.
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/pages/Iv-3d-Deco-Team/167587823377219?fref=ts
Contact : robert@biolive.ch