Buy Presale ticket for Timegate Aquatic World

Mizoo – Dj

A true music lover since his childhood, this traveler-dreamer-poet has been Djing since 1992. He boldly discoverse the electronic music in 1988 and the universe of psychedelic trance in 1994. He joined Ultimae records since 2007. All around Switerland & France, with some incursions in Morocco, Greece, London, Germany & Italia, he is offering, through his various genres of mixes : a subtle combination of ambient & electronica & psy progressive morning trance, blended with some movie excerpts. He compiled « Timegate 2010 V.A.» release in 2009, in collaboration with Biolive Sensation and Moonloop records. He compiled too « Timegate 2012 V.A. » on Moonloop records. In 2012 he compiled ” greenosophy V.A. ” on Ultimae records. Unassumingly, he believes that some musics can promote an empathic bond between people as well as a philosophical reflection about our own thoughts and actions. In 2010, he joined Teratone to continue to develop other projects.

info / booking :

Timegate 2012 CD


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